oday, I met the emerging music artist, VTuber, and virtual influencer, APOKI. APOKI has a rapidly growing 1.5M+ fans on TikTok with another quarter million tracking her YouTube channel. Her animalistic style brings a fresh approach to the virtual influencer industry, and it's working.
APOKI's ability to host a truly transmedia, video-centric, high quality experience for fans proves once again how creative teams are triumphing over human influencers, and her rapid growth underlines the increasing relevance of virtual influencers as a device to successfully build a young, entertainment-craving audience.

In short, APOKI is a standout virtual influencer, VTuber, and emerging talent. Her fans love her personality, her music, and her ears, and I love this opportunity to get to know her better in an interview! Let’s dig into her life, her ambitions, and what's new.
Hey APOKI, nice to meet you! What have you been up to lately?
Hey everyone! I’m APOKI. I’ve actually been waiting for this interview because I’ve seen all the hottest celebrities in the area appear in this magazine. Now that it’s actually my turn, my popularity is starting to hit me. I’ve been quite busy these days because I’m preparing for a new project. I think I’ll be able to reveal what it is some time soon! What I can tell you guys is that I’ve just recorded a cover song right before this interview and it’s going to be uploaded next Wednesday. So stay tuned!
Exciting! How much of your time is dedicated to making music?
Because I upload a song every week, I usually spend about three days singing along to the song to get the hang of it. For the songs with choreography, this is also when I practice my dance moves.
And that’s not all. I also have to spend a hefty amount of time filming and editing my videos, so I guess I spend most of my week making music. I think it’s safe to say that this cute little bunny is jumping through more hoops than humans!
As a creative, who or what inspires you?
I spend a lot of time looking up different music and videos for new inspiration. To be honest, though, I actually watch my videos the most (I can’t help it—my videos are the most fun haha). Among the many sources of inspiration, these days I think I am influenced the most by K-Pop artists, especially Black Pink and BTS.
What drove you to start sharing on social media in this way?
I’ve always wanted to become a singer and I started YouTubing at home, thinking it will somehow lead to something. When I first started out, I wasn’t sure I was doing it right and whenever I got a new subscriber, I’d always suspect my mom of making another account!
Now, I have hundreds of thousands of subscribers who are always there for me, and I’m waiting for the day I release my own album packed with my own colors. I guess you could prepare a perfectly polished album before making your debut, but personally, I love that I chose to meet and grow with my subscribers through YouTube first.
What’s your favorite platform to create content on? Why?
I’m very affectionate towards YouTube, which was my first social media platform, but recently I’ve been enjoying myself a lot on TikTok! (It’s not because I have more followers on TikTok than YouTube haha) Unlike YouTube, I can see the reactions of my followers on TikTok, and it’s just amazing watching all these different people all over the world dancing along to my videos. Anybody up for a Duet with me?
Let’s talk TikTok. Where do you turn for inspiration on your next video drop?
Videos that I don’t skip while I watch... obviously, because I can’t have others skipping my videos either! Among these captivating videos, I especially save the ones that seem fun to film or have dance moves that I feel I can do well. Sometimes, if I really like the song, I just dance to my own groove and upload it! I’d especially like to give a shout-out to Nobody Sausage, Charli D'Amelo, and @sisteryell for uploading awesome videos.
How long does it usually take you to get a TikTok video just right?
I just need to watch a TikTok video once and I can follow it straight away! I know, I’m awesome, right?
This may be personal, but does having ears like yours ever make life difficult?
A lot of people ask me if it’s uncomfortable when I dance. But to tell you the truth, I don’t get how humans dance with those itsy-bitsy ears. Like, how do you guys balance yourselves? Isn’t it super uncomfortable?
Interesting! Speaking of life, what do you think is important in leading a fulfilling life?
As long as you have a lasting enthusiasm for something you enjoy doing, and if you can feel a sense of achievement from it, I think I’d call it a fulfilling life.
What is a cause you believe in, and what advice do you have for the world on that subject?
There is nothing that makes me more proud of myself than doing something I love and feeling a sense of accomplishment from it. I’ve loved music my entire life and that passion drove me to become a musician. And these days, as more and more people are liking my songs and performance, I am feeling very good about myself. However, I don’t think I can give any advice to the world on this. After all, I’m not like you guys—I’m just a bunny!
How do you unwind from a long day?
I turn off my camera and phone, and try to have some quiet time to myself in my room. But before I realize it, I’m turning on my phone and taking selfies. Ah, the life of a social media addict…

What are some challenges you face as a virtual influencer?
A lot of comments say they want to touch my tail or feel my soft ears. I really, really want to let you guys do that and it’s so frustrating that I can’t! But I believe that some day in the near future, we will be able to meet face to face and give each other a big hug! Until that day, I’ll make sure to groom my tail and ears and keep them in top-notch condition for my fans.
What’s your opinion on the virtual influencer industry?
Hmm… virtual influencer industry… That’s a difficult topic. I mean, I don’t even know how my life is going to turn out, let alone a whole industry. This whole thing is just so new. But I know for sure that I’m leading a new path and that my footprints are going to be a map for future virtual influencers.
What’s the next big step in your journey?
I’m more on the impulsive side rather than planning things out—anything that looks fun, I spontaneously jump right in! If whatever I’m doing doesn’t pan out, I can always come back from my failures, right? For now, I’m waiting for an inspiration that will lead to my next big step. I do sometimes worry in case that inspiration never comes... Do you guys have any fun suggestions?
Now, to close with something I ask everyone—who are you, APOKI?
A rabbit drawing a map for future virtual influencers.